If you are looking for the best forklift Train-the-trainer in California, Washington, Oregon and other Western states, then look no further. There are a number of things that make California, Washington, Oregon and some of the other western states unique. Many of them have state OSHA programs, such as CAL-OSHA, which have far more detailed forklift regulations than Federal OSHA standards. These states also tend to be much more aggressive in their enforcement of safety and health standards and prosecution of violators than Federal OSHA states. We offer two options for these states, monthly remote ZOOM classes for as few as one trainer and customer site classes for 4 or more trainers, conducted at your site with your forklift equipment. Our flat rate forklift and MEWP trainer’s classes include up to 10 trainers, which include materials and travel. They are extremely cost effective and flexible. We are just a plane trip or remote ZOOM session away for those of you in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Arizona, just to name a few.
Many of the trainer’s classes offered in the West are just glorified operator training. Forklift dealers add a few extra hours to their forklift operator training and call it a forklift train the trainer class! Don’t be fooled, not everything called a forklift train the trainer class is really legit, many of them don’t teach the trainers to do more than play a video. Anyone can insert a DVD, however only a real trainer can identify hazards, develop programs and train with passion. When trained properly, trainers are the center piece of your forklift safety program. Don’t settle for boring training and for doing the same things you have always done, try something new, expect more and plan to be inspired. Our trainer’s classes will help your site set new goals using new techniques, new programs, new materials and with a new outlook. Don’t wait, give us a call today.
Click here to see a short YouTube video on our class.